I had seen milk and sugar advertised on twitter and had followed them but was yet to pass it or have a chance to visit. I was heading into town and was early before meeting a friend in the afternoon so thought why not stop and grab lunch before. I happened to walk past buffalo bar and opposite there it was milk and sugar so jumped at the chance to see what they had to offer. When I stepped in there seemed to be a lot of people having meetings as well as a few mothers and babies. The queue was reasonably small so I started to browse the menu to decide what they had to offer. There was a range of sandwiches and salads you could have as well as jacket potatoes or soup of the day. The ingredients were displayed in a beautiful arrangement so it was clear everything was made fresh.
Finally I narrowed down my choices and opted for the jacket potato with tuna and red onion ,as well as a cup of tea on the side. I paid and they said that they would bring the food to my table. Soon I discovered I needed the toilet, asked where they were and headed in the direction. When I entered I was extremely confused with it not being a normal layout and the toilet being stationed behind a bend and wall. It’s kind of a thing you would have to see it to believe with the non-conventional layout. When I retuned my food was ready waiting for me the jacket had lashing of tuna and onion I knew I defiantly would need a mint afterwards. The food was placed in a bowl which I thought was a genius idea with food less likely to go flying off the plate when cutting into the potato.
My tea was great because the tea bag was left in allowing me to decide the strength as well as there being load of milk for me. The plate it came on even meant there were no nasty stains left on the side of the cup or table. As I sipped on my tea some great music played in the background including Sam Cookes wonderful world, a great classic. The music was not too loud either so I was able to read my book at the same time.
While I was there what seemed like a regular came in, a pensioner sitting down on her own but the staff made her feel very welcome. The rapport they had with this lady was excellent and made her feel very welcome which I admired. The deco was amazing to, I especially liked the gold circular pattern on the all which I tried to take a sneaky snap of. Overall I enjoyed my visit, it’s a place I would pop into if I was in the area but not somewhere I would go out of my way to get too.