Getting out and about for a walk for your health be it physical or mental is so important. When I was housebound for 6 months due to my bad back the one thing I wanted to do so much go out and go for a walk. This may have been for my mental health and getting cabin fever, but also for the physical health of just wanting to be able to walk without pain again. At one point I remember my mum driving me to the park, with me on my crutches. I could make it to a bench and sit but it was just not the same. So that why I added Roath park to my bucket list.Â

So since I was well enough I have taken advantage of visiting the park as often as I can. With the park stretching for miles starting at the recreational ground, onto the flower gardens and up to the lake. Every time I now go up there I make sure I bring bird feed to feed the ducks. Feeding the ducks I feel its one of the most relaxing things. All the birds flocking towards you, the bird feed though does not attract those pesky seagulls.Â

On a recent visit, I walked miles, from my house through all the parks and back again. Resulted in a good 4-mile round trip but well worth it. The walk itself is just great to get out clear your head and get some fresh air.Â
With more and more people suffering from mental health it would be a place I would highly recommend. When the world gets too much its beautiful place to get out and clear your head. With lots of hidden benches, you can sit and reflect but be with nature. The walk gets you lungs going and those endorphins pumping. The next day I felt so refreshed and realised I must do this more often.Â